Christmas corners

2021-2022 HSA

The Home and School Association (HSA) is made up of parents within our school community. Below is the current Leadership Team and Members-at-Large who help coordinate and manage the events and activities we sponsor. Together, we are a group of parents committed to representing all parents. We believe that parents and faculty share the common objective of providing for the best spiritual, educational, social and physical development of each child enrolled here at St. Cassian School. We foster an environment that is positive and open. We partner with the St. Cassian School principal and St. Cassian parish to ensure our Catholic Community here at St. Cassian is thriving.



Emily Alpalgo



Leadership Team

Hala Dollari

Joanne Barrett            


Meghan Meehan


Christie Rosania

Laura Villeda


Michelle Horvath

Allin Sánchez

Jaqueline Natz

Amanda Piccirillo

The administration of school policy and the curriculum falls to Mrs. Llanes. However, parental involvement is critical to supplement and support the work of St. Cassian School. The HSA works hard to coordinate many events that benefit our school and our children during the year. In order to make our events successful, it takes dedication and time from all of our parents, as well as a contribution through annual dues.

Objectives of the Home School Association Leadership Team:

·      Bring the home and school closer so that parents and teachers may cooperate in the spiritual and intellectual growth of the children of St. Cassian School.

·      Be a positive Christian leader in our school community promoting kindness, respect and leadership.

·      Encourage active parental involvement in order to assist the school administration to attain its goals.

·      Provide the means for clear and regular communications between the home and school with regard to the school's goals and programs.

·      Organize and execute fundraising and social events that support our school community.

Please do not hesitate to email us to volunteer or for more information: [email protected].

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