Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

During times when conservative health measures are in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19, alternative arrival and dismissal procedures will be put into place.  The following Arrival and Dismissal Procedures have been developed with the safety and security of all parties in mind.  They will be implemented effective immediately and remain in effect during the 2021 - 2022 school year until a formal notice is sent lifting this procedure.


Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

During times when conservative health measures are in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19, alternative drop off and pick up procedures will be put into place.  The following Arrival and Dismissal Procedures have been developed with the safety and security of all parties in mind.  They will be implemented effective immediately and remain in effect during the 2021 - 2022 school year until a formal notice is sent lifting these procedures.


Completing a Health and Wellness Form Each Morning: We request that  parents check temperature and conduct a routine health screening  of their child/dren each morning. After screening your child/ren for symptoms,  please complete the form found through the link provided below for each child attending St. Cassian School. The form should be completed by 7:30 AM every school day.


Please also note that visitors will not be permitted in the building during school hours, unless there is a previously scheduled appointment. Parent-teacher meetings and child study team meetings will be held virtually until further notice. We realize that our temporary no visitor policy is very disappointing for many parents, especially,  kindergarten and pre-k families,  who would like to walk their child into the building on the first day of school. This decision is made with the best interest of all of our students and staff during times of high Covid transmission.


The SCS Car Line

It is anticipated that the car line for parents with children in kindergarten through 8th grade will be unusually long for the first week or two of school as we all adjust to these new procedures for arrival and dismissal; however, we also expect that as everyone becomes familiar with the procedures that the process will go much quicker as the year progresses.  With that in mind, you may wish to budget some extra time in the morning and at the end of the day to ensure that you arrive at school on time and are not late for any appointments you may have following the school day, especially at the beginning of the school year.  Please also budget extra time for pick up during inclement weather, as dismissal may take a bit longer when all students are being dismissed from inside the building.

We ask for your patience during this time. Please take advantage of the rare gift of time:  time to connect with your child(ren) in the morning before they begin school and the gift of quiet time to yourself as you wait to pick your child(ren) up at the end of the day.


 In order to ensure the flow and success of the car lines, It is important that everyone adhere strictly to the designated arrival and dismissal times.  

General tips to help ensure that the car line moves safely, smoothly and efficiently for everyone:

  • You will be provided a sign through your child’s Google Classroom account, displaying your child’s full name and grade, to display when you enter the car line.  Please be sure to print this sign and display it on your car window.  Always have your sign with you.  Should you need a replacement sign for any reason, please contact the School Office.

  • Do not leave cars parked and/or unattended on the car line.

  • In consideration of our neighbors, please do not block driveways on Lorraine Avenue, Bellevue Avenue, or Norwood Avenue or nearby intersections as you wait in line (including the entrance to the school parking lot as it is used by our neighbors as an access route to their parking and serve as the entry/exit for the PRE K-3 drop off at arrival).

  • Please stay in line.  It is not acceptable to cut in line, create a line parallel to the car line, or permit a student/students to exit/enter a vehicle before arriving at the designated drop off/pick up location.  This is critical for maintaining the safety of all parties.

  • Two car lines will be established and multiple entrances will be used to meet social distancing requirements and expedite the process for drop off and pick up at arrival and dismissal.  Please be sure to ALWAYS USE the CAR LINE that has been ASSIGNED TO YOUR FAMILY to ensure the safe and efficient arrival and dismissal of your child(ren).

  • Once your vehicle arrives at the designated drop off/pick up location, ONLY the students should exit the vehicle, except in the case of a younger student needing assistance with a car seat or to gather/store his/her belongings.  A designated staff member or volunteer will greet your child and ensure their safe entrance into the school or return to you.

  • Please avoid putting school bags and other belongings needed for school in the trunk of vehicles,  as the retrieval requires extra time and slows the car line.

  • Once your child has exited the vehicle safely at drop off or has been appropriately secured in your vehicle at pick up, please depart promptly to ensure the car line continues to move along in a timely manner. 


We thank you in advance for your collaborative efforts in making the dismissal and arrival procedures smooth and successful.  





Arrival and Dismissal Procedures by Grade


Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4:

  • Arrival is between 7:50 A.M. and 8:15 A.M.

  • Parents/Guardians must electronically submit a Wellness Verification form for each student prior to dropping off  their child, verifying that each student in their care is well enough to participate in in-school learning.  (i.e., fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications for 72 hours or longer, not displaying any COVID-19 like symptoms, and has not been exposed to any verified or suspected COVID-19 positive persons).

  • Parents should park on Norwood Avenue and  proceed to drop off their child by the PRE K door at the back of the school.  Temperatures will be taken using a thermal scanner upon students entering the classroom.

  • Dismissal is between 2:30 and 2:40 P.M. through the same doors,  or sometimes, when weather permits,  at the playground gate. Please do not linger on the school grounds after picking up your child as this will affect the flow of dismissal.

    • On days when the entire school has a half session day, the dismissal is at 11:40 A.M. for all Pre-K students.

Note: If there is an older sibling, you’ll still be able to pick up all your children by the Pre-K door; However,  please follow the arrival and dismissal time of your oldest child. 



Kindergarten through 3rd Grade:

  • Arrival is between 7:50 A.M. and 7:55 A.M. 

  • The designated drop off location is the gymnasium door at the back of the school nearest the Pre K entrance.  To access this designated drop off location, all families should enter the parking lot via the church driveway entrance on Bellevue Avenue and maintain their position in the car line until arriving at the designated drop off location, with all parties remaining in the vehicle until it has been indicated by the supervising staff members that it is safe for the student(s) in the vehicle to disembark.  When it has been indicated by the supervising staff members that it is safe for the student(s) in your vehicle to disembark, students should exit the vehicle wearing a face mask with all needed belongings (e.g., school bags & supplies) in hand.  Parents/Guardians should remain in the vehicle at all times, except in the instance that a small child requires assistance to get out of a car seat or collect belongings from the vehicle.  Upon exiting the vehicle, students will be directed to the appropriate school entrance. To exit the car line, parents/guardians should proceed to exit the school parking lot via Norwood Avenue.

  • Kindergarten students will proceed to the kindergarten door at the back of the school near the student drop off location where their temperatures will be taken using a thermal scanner upon entering the classrooms.

  • Students in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade proceed toward the gymnasium door entrance nearest the drop off location, in single file, and maintain social distancing where temperatures will be taken using a tripod-mounted temperature scanner upon entry.  Students with a normal* temperature reading will then be directed to a specific location in the gymnasium where the second grade teacher will be waiting

  •  Dismissal is at 2:40 PM. Please pick up your child at the same location as in the morning by following the same procedure.

    • On half session days dismissal is at 11:50 A.M.

4th and 5th Grade:

  • Arrival is between 7:50 A.M. and 7:55 A.M.

  • The designated drop off location for students in 4th  and 5th  Grade is the Main Entrance to the school, located on Lorraine Avenue.  To access this designated drop off location, all families should enter the car line on Lorraine Avenue, moving in the direction of Norwood Avenue, such that the car line forms on the same side of the street as the school building.  Each vehicle should maintain its position in the car line until arriving at the designated drop off location, with all parties remaining in the vehicle until it has been indicated by the supervising staff members that it is safe for the student(s) in the vehicle to disembark.  When it has been indicated by the supervising staff members that it is safe for the student(s) in your vehicle to disembark, the student(s) should exit the vehicle wearing a mask or face covering with all needed belongings (e.g., school bags & supplies) in hand. 

  • Upon exiting the vehicle, students will be directed toward the Main Entrance where their temperatures will be taken using a touch-free tripod-mounted thermal scanner upon entry.  Students with a normal* temperature reading will then proceed to homeroom, supervised en route to ensure that proper social distancing is maintained at all times.

  • To exit the car line, parents/guardians should continue forward on Lorraine Avenue, toward Norwood Avenue.

    Dismissal is at 2:40 P.M.. Please pick up your child at the same location as in the morning by following the same procedure.

  • On half session days dismissal is at 11:50 A.M.

Grade 6:

  • Arrival is at 8:00 A.M. to 8:05 A.M.

  • The designated drop off location is the gymnasium door at the back of the school nearest the Pre K entrance.  To access this designated drop off location, all families should enter the parking lot via the church driveway entrance on Bellevue Avenue and maintain their position in the car line until arriving at the designated drop off location, with all parties remaining in the vehicle until it has been indicated by the supervising staff members that it is safe for the student(s) in the vehicle to disembark.  When it has been indicated by the supervising staff members that it is safe for the student(s) in your vehicle to disembark, students should exit the vehicle wearing a face mask with all needed belongings (e.g., school bags & supplies) in hand.  Parents/Guardians should remain in the vehicle at all times, except in the instance that a small child requires assistance to get out of a car seat or collect belongings from the vehicle.  Upon exiting the vehicle, students will be directed to the appropriate school entrance. To exit the car line, parents/guardians should proceed to exit the school parking lot via Norwood Avenue.

  • Any student arriving after 8:10 A.M. will be marked late.

  • Dismissal is at 2:50 P.M.. Please pick up your child at the same location as in the morning by following the same procedure.

    • On half session days dismissal is at 12:00 P.M.     

7th and 8th Grade:

  • Arrival is from 8:00 A.M. to 8:05 A.M.

  • The designated drop off location for students in 7th Grade and 8th Grade is the Main Entrance to the school, located on Lorraine Avenue.  To access this designated drop off location, all families should enter the car line on Lorraine Avenue, moving in the direction of Norwood Avenue, such that the car line forms on the same side of the street as the school building.  Each vehicle should maintain its position in the car line until arriving at the designated drop off location, with all parties remaining in the vehicle until it has been indicated by the supervising staff members that it is safe for the student(s) in the vehicle to disembark.  When it has been indicated by the supervising staff members that it is safe for the student(s) in your vehicle to disembark, the student(s) should exit the vehicle wearing a face mask with all needed belongings (e.g., school bags & supplies) in hand.  Parents/Guardians should remain in the vehicle at all times. 

  • Upon exiting the vehicle, students will be directed toward the Main Entrance where their temperatures will be taken using a touch-free tripod-mounted thermal scanner upon entry.  Students with a normal* temperature reading will then proceed to homeroom, supervised en route to ensure that proper social distancing is maintained at all times. 

  • To exit the car line, parents/guardians should continue forward on Lorraine Avenue, toward Norwood Avenue.

  • Any student arriving after 8:10 will be marked late.

  • Dismissal is at 2:50 PM. Please pick up your child at the same location as in the morning by following the same procedure.

  • On half session days dismissal is at 12:00 P.M.


Other Important Notes About Dismissal:

In the event that an abnormal temperature reading is obtained (99.5 degrees Fahrenheit and above) upon arrival, a designated staff member will be standing by to discreetly take the student to the nurse for secondary evaluation, and appropriate next steps will be determined. 


Families with students in multiple grades should follow the earliest designated arrival time and the latest designated dismissal time.  If the youngest student in the family is in grade 3 or lower, please drop-off and pick-up the children at the location designated to the youngest student.   If the youngest student in the family is in grades 4 or higher, please drop off and pick up the children at the location designated to your oldest child.


To maintain social distancing at dismissal, each class will depart from homeroom, accompanied and  supervised by the homeroom teacher in a pre-established order designed to maintain social distancing between classes and between students within each class.  


Weather permitting*students in 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th grade will line up outside with their teachers in a designated waiting area, maintaining social distancing requirements between classes and between students within each class.  The staff member assigned to facilitate dismissal will request students to be dismissed by their homeroom teachers from the designated waiting areas as their rides arrive at the designated pick up location at the Main Entrance of the school on Lorraine Avenue.   


Students in 1st-3rd grade will be dismissed from a designated waiting area within the school gymnasium, while students in PRE K, Kindergarten and 6th grade will be dismissed from their homeroom classrooms via the door that exits facing the school parking lot.   The staff member assigned to facilitate dismissal at the back of the school will request students to be dismissed by their homeroom teachers from the designated waiting areas as their rides arrive at the designated pick up location in front of the gymnasium door closest to Norwood Avenue.


Parents/guardians should arrive to pick up their child(ren) at dismissal using the CAR LINE ASSIGNED TO THEIR PARTICULAR FAMILY to access the designated pick up location for their children (the same location where drop off occurred during arrival).  As soon as the vehicle enters the car line, parents/guardians should please ensure that the sign displaying their child(ren)’s name(s) is clearly visible from the dashboard.  Upon arriving at the designated pick up location, the student(s) identified on the color-coded sign will be directed to enter their parent/guardian’s vehicle under the supervision of the assigned staff member(s).


 Parents should remain in the vehicle except when it is necessary to assist a small child with securing him/herself in a car seat and/or placing his/her belongings in the vehicle.  Once all parties are safely secured in the vehicle, the vehicle should exit the car line according to the pre-established traffic pattern described in the arrival procedures.  

*During inclement weather,

  • Students in 4th, 5th grade, 7th and 8th grade will remain seated in their homerooms and will be individually released from homeroom as the staff member supervising and facilitating dismissal at the Main School Entrance identifies their family car in the car line.  As students are released from homeroom, supervision will be provided to ensure that students maintain social distancing in the hallway and stairwell en route to the designated pick up location.

  • Students  in 1st-3rd grade will line up in the gymnasium, appropriately socially distanced from the other classes and one another.  All students in 1st-3rd grade will remain on line in the designated waiting areas until they are personally called by the staff member facilitating and supervising dismissal at the designated pick up location in front of the gymnasium door at the back of the school nearest Norwood Avenue.

  • No matter the weather, students in  6th grade, Kindergarten and PRE K, will be dismissed from their homerooms using the classroom door that exits onto the parking lot when they are solicited by the staff member supervising dismissal at the back of the school.


A Few Other Details to Ensure Successful Pick Up & Drop Off


8th grade students with signed parental permission who walk to and from school independently should report to the Main Entrance to enter the school at the beginning of and will be dismissed by their homeroom teacher at the end of the day.

Siblings in Different Grades

Families with students in multiple grades should follow the earliest designated arrival time and the latest designated dismissal time.  If the youngest student in the family is in grade 3 or lower, please drop-off and pick-up the children at the location designated to the youngest student.   If the youngest student in the family is in grades 4 or higher, please drop off and pick up the children at the location designated to your oldest child.

Special Dismissal Arrangements

In the event that you will need to pick up your child prior to the scheduled dismissal time, please contact the school office and your child’s teacher(s) to coordinate your child’s departure.


Thank you for following Arrival and Dismissal Procedures!


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