Physical education, health and nutrition are important components of the school's curriculum since they provide students with the knowledge and practical experience for attaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. All grade levels receive one period each of physical and health education weekly. In Physical Education class, students engage in age appropriate calisthenics, obstacle courses, teamwork tasks, strategic games, and other activities that challenge their kinetic abilities and cognitive thinking. In health class, students are taught core values in keeping their bodies and minds healthy through optimal daily nutrition, activities, and lifestyles. Students in grades fourth through eighth participate in the Presidential Fitness Challenge , further attaining and maintaining physical activity and healthy habits.
We currently offer:
- Basketball (gr. 3-8)
- Track and Field (gr. 1-8)
- Cross-Country (gr. 1-8)
- Cheerleading (Gr. 1-8)
- Volleyball (Gr. 5-8)
- A variety of seasonal sports clinics (Gr. 1-8)