Registration Information

Due to the reputation of St. Cassian School as a wonderful academic institution, there is often a waiting list for admission. Please do not hesitate to call us soon

Admission Policy

The following documents should be submitted for review by our admissions team:

  1. Completed Application Form
  2. Current and previous year report cards
  3. Two years of standardized test results (ie. Iowa Assessments, MAP, TERRA Nova or PARCC)
  4. Letters of recommendation
  5. Portfolio or sample of student work
The following additional documents are also required for registration:
  1. Copy of Birth Certificate
  2. Copy of Baptismal Certificate ( if applicable)
  3. Immunization Records
  4. $300.00 per child non-refundable application fee

All candidates in grades 4 through 8 are interviewed by the principal or member of the admissions committee. In addition to the documentation submitted, an assessment may be administered.  

 Age Requirements

  • Pre- K 3 - Student must be 3 years old by October 1st of the calendar year and able to meet his/her needs.
  • Pre- K 4 - Student must be 4 years old by October 1st of the calendar year and able to meet his/her needs.
  • Kindergarten - Student must be 5 years old by October 1st of the calendar year

The admission committee takes into consideration previous academic success, a candidate’s personal/social development skills, letters of recommendation and impressions from the interview process (when applicable).  When space is limited, candidates meeting the highest standards in each category described above are then given priority based on the following criteria:

  1. Siblings of current school student
  2. Children of parish families
  3. Children of Catholic families outside of parish
  4. Children of Non-Catholic families

Please note: Due to St. Cassian School's reputation as a high quality institution, a waitlist for admission is common. Admission decisions are based on the applicant's merits and the "priority of acceptance" listed above. The order in which applications are received may not take precedence on decisions.

Thank you for your interest in St. Cassian School.  Please call our school office at 973-746-1636 or email us at [email protected] for more information. 

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