Thank you, Father Marc!

Thank you, Father Marc!
Posted on 06/15/2023

Fr. Marc's daily presence at our school made a powerful impact on character building, on inspiring leadership, and above all, on the faith formation of our students and staff.  He leaves an indelible mark on our hearts!

Fr. Marc in gym with PreK classFr. Marc shaking hands with a pre-K student after she received her "Moving Up" certificate

Fr. Marc running with a parent in the St. Cassian 5K!Mrs. Llanes, Cardinal Tobin & Fr. Marc posing for a picture in the courtyardFr. Marc wearing safety goggles and conducting a science experiment with a group of middle school students in the science lab

Fr. Marc,

You've been an incredible blessing for the last twelve years.

You spent time with us during our lessons and encouraged us in our studies.

You played with us and made us laugh. 

You helped us grow in relationship with Christ by giving us the Sacraments. 

You helped us grow in holiness through your lessons and example. 

We will miss you greatly, but we are truly happy for you. 

May this next chapter in your life be the most rewarding yet.  

Thank you, Fr. Marc!

The Students of St. Cassian School

Fr. Marc sitting beside upper elementary student in class during Priest Week and smiling for the camera while working on an assignment.Fr. Marc talking with happy Pre-K students who are seated at a table in their classroom.Fr. Marc visiting the PreK 4 class for a lesson during Priest Week.

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