Our Catholic faith is a central pillar of life at St. Cassian School. When students fill the halls of our school building each day, we start our day together in prayer and regularly come together for Mass. When the bell rings for lunch each day, again, in their homerooms, the staff and students prepare for the meal ahead with prayer. So, too, it is at the beginning of each staff meeting and professional development session: prayer. Prayer for the students and their intentions. Prayer for the school and one another. Prayers for the world, its people and their needs. Prayers of thanksgiving. Prayer to guide us. Prayers for strength.
Now, with the physical doors to the school and parish temporarily closed and remote learning becoming our new normal, we continue to turn our voices and our hearts to the Lord - together, from the confines of our on homes; but, together in this virtual space that has allowed us to connect, to teach, to learn, and to pray.
Last Tuesday, our staff joined together, rosaries in hand, to pray for the needs of not only our St. Cassian community but for the needs of the world through the intercession of our Blessed Mother during these most difficult times.
Today, a week later, we came together again, this time as a school community. Joined by our students and their families, we continued the tradition of prayer in our school community and participated in, very likely, the most important work of our day: prayer.
Let us continue to pray for one another and to lean on Christ in not only these difficult times but throughout our lives. For it is in the Lord that we will find our hope, our strength, our peace, and our salvation.