There is a wonderful sense of community at St. Cassian School, and we are committed to nurturing a warm family-like environment. St. Cassian School thrives today because of the deep family and community roots that not only support the school, but also build the students' understanding of friendship, community and excellence.
The students benefit from the support of families who plan, participate in or attend events to support the students' involvement with the arts, sports or community work. The families take ownership in creating events that teach the students important social skills. A few examples include fundraising and hosting a "sock hop" dance, an annual grandparent breakfast, an eighth grade dinner and field trips.
Families also play a critical role in helping students plan community service activities, such as helping the homeless, visiting senior centers, executing food drives, and reading poems of gratitude to veterans. They are also instrumental in helping maintain a thriving sports program at the school.
As educators and parents, we aim to lead by example, showing our students their own important role within the world. St. Cassian School is committed to helping each of our students realize his or her full potential with all of God's gifts, and is focused on developing the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical aspects of each child.
Pictured below, our school community comes together to support and encourage our preschool students in a school-based Trike-a-thon.