Honoring Veterans through Poetry

Honoring Veterans through Poetry
Posted on 11/17/2020

In celebration of Veteran's Day, our sixth graders presented Knights of Columbus veterans with the original poems they wrote honoring veterans on November 11th at 11:00 AM in our Church courtyard.  Those students attending school in-person read their poems aloud, while students participating in remote instruction prepared a recording of their poems to share with the veterans. 

Here is a small sampling of the poems shared with our veterans:


What Being a Veteran Means

Philip Streit, 6A

You are the people we NEED, there are a lot of people we want to have, but to have the bravery to stand up for your country and what we are as a nation, is something we need. Your service will never be forgotten. You struggle through seeing many die, and you come out of it like a warrior. Your bravery is unimaginable. You may have memorized the sounds of war by now, something that must be a scar. You have to remember though, WE need you. You only get one life in this game, and you've done it well. You must remember that in the darkest of times, we must all come together to create the UNITED STATES, you helped us and continue to. So no matter where you stand on politics, or anything, we love you, and we need you.  Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, whatever, WE NEED YOU. All the times we had with family are thanks to you. All the time we had with friends is thanks to you. You keep America safe, and we all thank you for that.

So from 6A, we thank you for your service, and we hope you have a great Veteran’s Day. 


 6th Grade students reading poems to veterans


The Heroes Of America

Pablo Shielke, 6A


Veterans are American heroes.

The veterans protected our rights.

The veterans also protected our freedoms.

These men and women protected our country.

These good people helped all people in need.

Veterans are people who protected people of all shapes and sizes.

When there was a problem in the country the veterans came to our rescue.

The veterans care and love their country so much they protected their country.

Men and women who protected us also put their lives at risk.

Veterans are true heroes.

We have Veteran’s day because we want to honor the heroes who protected us from bad things.

We owe veterans our love, support, and devotion because they kept us free.

A veteran is a person that worked in the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines, and the Coast Guard.

These kind veterans helped us when our country was in crisis.

The veterans are kind souls for what they did for us.

The veterans cared for by protecting us.

Veterans also aid us when we need it.

They also did good things for the nation.

I think veterans are really good people.

I also think that veterans do good things for their communities.


Praise for the Soldiers

Anaïs Picciano, 6B


A soldier, a fighter, a survivor and a carer,

Who fought for their country and lifted it higher,

A fallen soldier, a shooting star,

Who was able to bring it so far,  

Now a veteran, but never forgotten, 

Who took hope and brought it in,

Who all shared the same goal,

And will always have praise on their resting souls.


Veteran’s Day Poem

Charlie Grube, 6B


While we were at the comfort of our homes,
You were out fighting on land, sky, and sea.
You all made sure we were safe.
And you helped keep our country free.
You are the people who went out to fight,
So others could have a peaceful night.
Not many words can express how much we all appreciate you.
All of our thanks have been quite long due,
So with all of our hearts, we love and appreciate you.


We thank all of the veterans in our school and parish community for serving our country.  Your service is a wonderful example of how someone can exemplify our school theme:  Love Your Neighbor.

6th Grade student reading her poem to veterans in church courtyard
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