Engaging in STREAM Through Real-World Learning

Engaging in STREAM Through Real-World Learning
Posted on 11/15/2019

St. Cassian School partners with experts in different fields to bring real-world learning experiences in STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Mathematics) to its students. The school strives to provide its students opportunities that foster awareness of global challenges. It also nurtures leadership by encouraging its students to think critically and creatively in addressing solutions. Through a partnership with Xylem, a water solutions technology company, the students learned from experts about the world’s water challenges while conducting experiments and hands–on activities. First graders learned about water as a valuable resource and created a water filtering system. Sixth grade students participated in the World Water Monitoring Event, a program developed by Earth Echo and implemented by representatives of Xylem Inc. The students visited Yantacaw Brook Park and tested pond water temperature, turbidity, PH and dissolved oxygen level. They then recorded the results in a worldwide water monitoring data bank. Through lessons in the school’s STREAM Program, the students will continue to research water challenges around the world, as well as develop engineering prototypes and awareness campaigns in addressing solutions. As a culmination of learning, the students will participate in the Archdiocese of Newark STEM Fair in the spring. 



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